i discovered, to my surprise, that quite a few others were like-minded concerning the matter 意味

  • 驚いたことにその件については他のかなり多くの人たちが同じ考えだとわかった


        if i were to meet one of my idols:    自分{じぶん}が尊敬{そんけい}[崇拝{すうはい}]する人に会ったとしたら
        quite a few:    {名} : かなりの数、相当数{そうとうすう} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : かなりの数の、かなり多くの、かなりたくさんの、割りと多くの、相当数{そうとうすう}の、相当多くの◆【同】a good few ; not a few◆【反】just a fe
        quite a few of:    かなりの数の~
        quite few:    quite few 鮮少 せんしょう
        concerning that matter:    その件については
        i and others:    私たち
        like minded:    {形} :
        like-minded:     like-minded adj. 同じ考えの. 【+前置詞】 I discovered, to my surprise, that quite a few others were like-minded concerning the matter. 驚いたことにその件については他のかなり多くの人たちが同じ考えだとわかった a body of men and women
        like others:    like others 人並みに ひとなみに
        concerning my e-mail of:    _月_日の当方{とうほう}からの電子{でんし}メールに関して
        all i expected were:    ~しか期待してなかった All I expected were cheap prices but the quality is incredibly high! 安さしか期待してなかったのに、品質も信じられないほど良い
        if i were in someone's shoes:    もし私が(人)の立場{たちば}だったら
        if i were you:    もし私があなただったら
        matter of some surprise:    《a ~》やや驚くべき事
        have quite a few responses:    かなり多くの[たくさんの]返事{へんじ}が来る[寄せられる]


  1. "i discovered a major failing in his personality" 意味
  2. "i discovered it a hundred yards beyond the point" 意味
  3. "i discovered it on a routine visit to the stockroom" 意味
  4. "i discovered that he was not my real father" 意味
  5. "i discovered that the key had disappeared off the table" 意味
  6. "i discussed frankly with him our need for better communication between offices" 意味
  7. "i disengaged my hand from his strong grip and said, “excuse me. in my country the custom is to bow." 意味
  8. "i dislike her haughty attitude" 意味
  9. "i dislike parties" 意味
  10. "i discovered that he was not my real father" 意味
  11. "i discovered that the key had disappeared off the table" 意味
  12. "i discussed frankly with him our need for better communication between offices" 意味
  13. "i disengaged my hand from his strong grip and said, “excuse me. in my country the custom is to bow." 意味

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